Assign Submission Table Schema (assign_submission)


This table keeps information about student interactions with the mod/assign. This is limited to metadata about a student submission but does not include the submission itself which is stored by plugins.

assign_submission table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
assignsubmission_file.submission assifile_sub2_fk R
assignsubmission_onlinetext.submission assionli_sub2_fk R
assignment BIGINT 19 0 assisubm_ass3_fk R
userid BIGINT 19 0 Implied Constraint R
timecreated BIGINT 19 0

The time of the first student submission to this assignment.

timemodified BIGINT 19 0

The last time this assignment submission was modified by a student.

status VARCHAR 10 null

The status of this assignment submission. The current statuses are DRAFT and SUBMITTED.

groupid BIGINT 19 0

The group id for team submissions

attemptnumber BIGINT 19 0

Used to track attempts for an assignment

latest TINYINT 3 0

Greatly simplifies queries wanting to know information about only the latest attempt.

Table contained -1 rows

assign_submission table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
assisubm_ass_ix Performance Asc assignment
assisubm_assusegroatt_uix Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc assignment + userid + groupid + attemptnumber
assisubm_assusegrolat_ix Performance Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc assignment + userid + groupid + latest
assisubm_att_ix Performance Asc attemptnumber
assisubm_use_ix Performance Asc userid

assign_submission table relationships