Auth Approved Request Table Schema (auth_approved_request)


Self registration with approval details

auth_approved_request table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
auth_approved_request_snapshots.requestid authapprrequsnap_req2_fk R
status TINYINT 3 null

Request status - 0 means pending, 1 approved, 2 rejected, etc.

username VARCHAR 100

Requested username - also used for duplicate lookups when signing up

firstname VARCHAR 100
lastname VARCHAR 100
lastnamephonetic VARCHAR 255 null

Last name phonetic

firstnamephonetic VARCHAR 255 null

First name phonetic

middlename VARCHAR 255 null

Middle name

alternatename VARCHAR 255 null

Alternate name

email VARCHAR 100

The user's email address - also used for duplicate lookups when signing up.

password VARCHAR 255

Hashed user password

city VARCHAR 120
country VARCHAR 2
lang VARCHAR 30

User language during signup, we need to send them emails in this same language

confirmed BIT 1 null

Value 1 if email ownership confirmed, 0 if not

confirmtoken VARCHAR 100

Unique email confirmation token

positionid BIGINT 19 null authapprrequ_pos2_fk R

Position id

positionfreetext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Free text field for position - this is a hint for approver so that they can pick the appropriate position

organisationid BIGINT 19 null authapprrequ_org2_fk R

Organisation id

organisationfreetext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Free text field for organisation - this is a hint for approver so that they can pick the appropriate organisation

managerjaid BIGINT 19 null authapprrequ_man2_fk R

User id of manager

managerfreetext LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Free text field for manager - this is a hint for approver so that they can pick the appropriate manager

profilefields LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The JSON encoded string containing all custom profile fields data

userid BIGINT 19 null authapprrequ_use2_fk R

User that was created for this signup request.

resolvedby BIGINT 19 null authapprrequ_res2_fk R

Person with auth/approved:approve capability that resolved this signup request, null in case of automatic approval

timecreated BIGINT 19 null
timemodified BIGINT 19 null
timeresolved BIGINT 19 null
extradata LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Table contained -1 rows

auth_approved_request table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
authapprrequ_con_uix Must be unique Asc confirmtoken
authapprrequ_man_ix Performance Asc managerjaid
authapprrequ_org_ix Performance Asc organisationid
authapprrequ_pos_ix Performance Asc positionid
authapprrequ_res_ix Performance Asc resolvedby
authapprrequ_use_ix Performance Asc userid

auth_approved_request table relationships