Block Zoola Reports Schreps Table Schema (block_zoola_reports_schreps)


Manually scheduled reports

block_zoola_reports_schreps table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
block_zoola_schedule_rcp.schrepsid bloczoolschercp_sch2_fk R
blockinstanceid BIGINT 19 null bloczoolreposchr_blo2_fk R

Block instance for which reports are scheduled

userid BIGINT 19 null bloczoolreposchr_use2_fk R

User that scheduled the report

name VARCHAR 100

Schedule name

reporturi VARCHAR 250

Report URI

lastruntime BIGINT 19 null
nextruntime BIGINT 19 null
filters LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Filter values used to run the report, in JSON format

repeated TINYINT 3 0

0 - one time run, 1 - daily, 2 - weekly, 3 - monthly

starttime BIGINT 19 null

Time when the report should run for the first time. 0 means run immediately.

emails VARCHAR 1333

Comma separated list of emails to send the report to.

subject VARCHAR 100

Email subject

body LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Email message body

bodyformat SMALLINT 5 0
exportformat VARCHAR 10

Export format: 'pdf', 'xlsx', 'csv', ...

retry BIGINT 19 0

How many times scheduling failed

status VARCHAR 100 enabled

'enabled' or reason why the schedule is disabled.

scheduleend BIGINT 19 0

When the schedule ends: 0 - Never, 1 - After a specified number or runs, 2 - Until a specified date

occurrences BIGINT 19 null

Number of schedule occurrences that should take place before the schedule is disabled

enddate BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp after which the schedule will be disabled

allstudents TINYINT 3 0

if 1 reports will be sent to all students enrolled into course

individualreports TINYINT 3 0

if 1 reports will be filtered for individual students

thiscourse TINYINT 3 0

if 1 reports will be filtered course in which block is placed in

Table contained -1 rows

block_zoola_reports_schreps table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
bloczoolreposchr_blo_ix Performance Asc blockinstanceid
bloczoolreposchr_blouse_ix Performance Asc/Asc blockinstanceid + userid
bloczoolreposchr_use_ix Performance Asc userid

block_zoola_reports_schreps table relationships