Dp Plan Competency Assign Table Schema (dp_plan_competency_assign)


Stores competencies assigned to a particular plan

dp_plan_competency_assign table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
planid BIGINT 19 null
dp_plan.id dpplancompassi_pla2_fk R

Identifies the plan this competency is attached to

competencyid BIGINT 19 null
comp.id dpplancompassi_com2_fk R

Identifies the competency being assigned

priority BIGINT 19 null
dp_priority_scale_value.id dpplancompassi_pri2_fk R

Identifies the priority of this competency within the current plan.

duedate BIGINT 19 null

Timestamp of the date this competency is due to be completed.

approved SMALLINT 5 0

Indicates if the competency has been accepted as part of a plan, or is awaiting approval.

reasonfordecision LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The reason for approving/declining the request

scalevalueid BIGINT 19 0
comp_scale_values.id dpplancompassi_sca2_fk R

The final id of the proficiency scalevalue. This field is used as a snapshot field, for saving the proficiency, after the plan has been completed

manual BIT 1 0

Was this assignment made manually

Table contained -1 rows

dp_plan_competency_assign table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
dpplancompassi_com_ix Performance Asc competencyid
dpplancompassi_pla_ix Performance Asc planid
dpplancompassi_placom_uix Must be unique Asc/Asc planid + competencyid
dpplancompassi_pri_ix Performance Asc priority
dpplancompassi_sca_ix Performance Asc scalevalueid

dp_plan_competency_assign table relationships