totara_compl_import_course table columns
Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | ||
id | BIGINT | 19 | √ | null |
id |
courseid | BIGINT | 19 | √ | null |
Course id if one exists |
username | VARCHAR | 100 | √ | null |
username |
courseshortname | VARCHAR | 255 | √ | null |
course shortname |
courseidnumber | VARCHAR | 100 | √ | null |
course idnumber |
completiondate | VARCHAR | 10 | √ | null |
completiondate |
grade | VARCHAR | 10 | √ | null |
grade |
customfields | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | √ | null |
Any custom field data |
timecreated | BIGINT | 19 | null |
Time the record was imported into this table |
timeupdated | BIGINT | 19 | 0 |
Time the record was added to the system |
importuserid | BIGINT | 19 | null |
ID of user running the import |
importerror | BIT | 1 | 0 |
true/false if there were any errors |
importerrormsg | LONGTEXT | 2147483647 | √ | null |
Any error messages for this record |
rownumber | BIGINT | 19 | null |
Row number in the csv file |
importevidence | BIT | 1 | 0 |
imported into evidence |
evidenceid | BIGINT | 19 | √ | null |
The evidence table id |
completiondateparsed | BIGINT | 19 | √ | null |
completiondate parsed using csvdateformat |
Table contained -1 rows
totara_compl_import_course table indexes
Constraint Name | Type | Sort | Column(s) |
PRIMARY | Primary key | Asc | id |
totacompimpocour_evi_ix | Performance | Asc | evidenceid |
totacompimpocour_imp_ix | Performance | Asc | importuserid |
totacompimpocour_use_ix | Performance | Asc | username |