Totara Navigation Table Schema (totara_navigation)


Totara navigation menu

totara_navigation table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
totara_navigation_settings.itemid totanavisett_ite2_fk R
parentid BIGINT 19 0
title VARCHAR 1024
url VARCHAR 255 null
classname VARCHAR 255 null
sortorder BIGINT 19 null
depth BIT 1 1

Deprecated since Totara 12.0

path VARCHAR 50 null

Deprecated sicec Totara 12.0

custom BIT 1 1

Set to 1 for custom items and custom containers only

customtitle BIT 1 1
visibility BIT 1 0
visibilityold BIT 1 null

Intended for show/hide admin UI buttons

targetattr VARCHAR 100
timemodified BIGINT 19 0

Table contained -1 rows

totara_navigation table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
totanavi_par_ix Performance Asc parentid
totanavi_sor_ix Performance Asc sortorder

totara_navigation table relationships