Totara Userdata User Table Schema (totara_userdata_user)


Extension of user table for tracking of selected purging types for each user - 1 to 1 mapping to user table

totara_userdata_user table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
userid BIGINT 19 null totauseruser_use3_fk R
usercontextid BIGINT 19 null Implied Constraint R

User context id, we need the value here because user deletion removes user context record

suspendedpurgetypeid BIGINT 19 null totauseruser_sus2_fk R
timesuspended BIGINT 19 null

Best guess when user was actually deleted

timesuspendedpurged BIGINT 19 null

Last time the user was purged with the selected type, resets to null after type change

deletedpurgetypeid BIGINT 19 null totauseruser_del2_fk R
timedeleted BIGINT 19 null

Best guess when user was actually suspended

timedeletedpurged BIGINT 19 null

Last time the user was purged with the selected type, resets to null after type change

Table contained -1 rows

totara_userdata_user table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
totauseruser_del_ix Performance Asc deletedpurgetypeid
totauseruser_sus_ix Performance Asc suspendedpurgetypeid
totauseruser_use2_ix Performance Asc userid
totauseruser_use_uix Must be unique Asc userid

totara_userdata_user table relationships