Workshop Table Schema (workshop)


This table keeps information about the module instances and their settings

workshop table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
workshop_aggregations.workshopid workaggr_wor2_fk R
workshop_submissions.workshopid worksubm_wor2_fk R
workshopallocation_scheduled.workshopid Implied Constraint R
workshopeval_best_settings.workshopid Implied Constraint R
workshopform_accumulative.workshopid workaccu_wor2_fk R
workshopform_comments.workshopid workcomm_wor2_fk R
workshopform_numerrors.workshopid worknume_wor2_fk R
workshopform_numerrors_map.workshopid worknumemap_wor2_fk R
workshopform_rubric.workshopid workrubr_wor2_fk R
workshopform_rubric_config.workshopid Implied Constraint R
course BIGINT 19 null work_cou2_fk R

ID of the parent course

name VARCHAR 255

Name of the activity

intro LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

The introduction or description of the activity

introformat SMALLINT 5 0

The format of the intro field

instructauthors LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Instructions for the submission phase

instructauthorsformat SMALLINT 5 0
instructreviewers LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Instructions for the assessment phase

instructreviewersformat SMALLINT 5 0
timemodified BIGINT 19 null

The timestamp when the module was modified

phase SMALLINT 5 0

The current phase of workshop (0 = not available, 1 = submission, 2 = assessment, 3 = closed)

useexamples TINYINT 3 0

optional feature: students practise evaluating on example submissions from teacher

usepeerassessment TINYINT 3 0

optional feature: students perform peer assessment of others' work

useselfassessment TINYINT 3 0

optional feature: students perform self assessment of their own work

grade DECIMAL 10,5 80.00000

The maximum grade for submission

gradinggrade DECIMAL 10,5 20.00000

The maximum grade for assessment

strategy VARCHAR 30

The type of the current grading strategy used in this workshop

evaluation VARCHAR 30

The recently used grading evaluation method

gradedecimals SMALLINT 5 0

Number of digits that should be shown after the decimal point when displaying grades

nattachments SMALLINT 5 0

Number of required submission attachments

submissionfiletypes VARCHAR 255 null

comma separated list of file extensions

latesubmissions TINYINT 3 0

Allow submitting the work after the deadline

maxbytes BIGINT 19 100000

Maximum size of the one attached file

examplesmode SMALLINT 5 0

0 = example assessments are voluntary, 1 = examples must be assessed before submission, 2 = examples are available after own submission and must be assessed before peer/self assessment phase

submissionstart BIGINT 19 0

0 = will be started manually, greater than 0 the timestamp of the start of the submission phase

submissionend BIGINT 19 0

0 = will be closed manually, greater than 0 the timestamp of the end of the submission phase

assessmentstart BIGINT 19 0

0 = will be started manually, greater than 0 the timestamp of the start of the assessment phase

assessmentend BIGINT 19 0

0 = will be closed manually, greater than 0 the timestamp of the end of the assessment phase

phaseswitchassessment TINYINT 3 0

Automatically switch to the assessment phase after the submissions deadline

conclusion LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

A text to be displayed at the end of the workshop.

conclusionformat SMALLINT 5 1

The format of the conclusion field content.

overallfeedbackmode SMALLINT 5 1

Mode of the overall feedback support.

overallfeedbackfiles SMALLINT 5 0

Number of allowed attachments to the overall feedback.

overallfeedbackfiletypes VARCHAR 255 null

comma separated liat of file extensions

overallfeedbackmaxbytes BIGINT 19 100000

Maximum size of one file attached to the overall feedback.

Table contained -1 rows

workshop table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
work_cou_ix Performance Asc course

workshop table relationships