Totara Connect Clients Table Schema (totara_connect_clients)


List of client systems registered with this server

totara_connect_clients table columns

Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id BIGINT 19 null
totara_connect_client_cohorts.clientid totaconncliecoho_cli2_fk R
totara_connect_client_courses.clientid totaconncliecour_cli2_fk R
totara_connect_client_org_frameworks.clientid totaconnclieorgfram_cli2_fk R
totara_connect_client_pos_frameworks.clientid totaconnclieposfram_cli2_fk R
totara_connect_sso_sessions.clientid totaconnssosess_cli2_fk R
status BIT 1 null

0 means ok, anything else means do not talk with the client system

clientidnumber VARCHAR 64

Unique client ID, used in client requests

clientsecret VARCHAR 64

Shared secret, used in client requests

clienttype VARCHAR 30

LMS or Social

clienturl VARCHAR 255

Web address of the client system

clientname VARCHAR 255

Name of the client system

clientcomment LONGTEXT 2147483647 null

Comment related to this client system

serversecret VARCHAR 64

Shared secret, used by the client in each server request

cohortid BIGINT 19 null totaconnclie_coh2_fk R

Optional cohort restriction, if specified only cohort members are synced, all other users are completely ignored

syncprofilefields BIT 1 0

Send user profile fields data to clients

addnewcohorts BIT 1 0

Automatically add all new cohorts

addnewcourses BIT 1 0

Automatically add all new courses

syncjobs BIT 1 0

Send job assignments data to clients

allowpluginsepservices BIT 1 0

Allow clients to access any plugin services

apiversion BIGINT 19 null

The API version used for communication with this client

timecreated BIGINT 19 null
timemodified BIGINT 19 null

Table contained -1 rows

totara_connect_clients table indexes

Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
PRIMARY Primary key Asc id
totaconnclie_cli_uix Must be unique Asc clientidnumber
totaconnclie_coh_ix Performance Asc cohortid

totara_connect_clients table relationships